Disaster risk in bogor city : Blog2

Western Week News and information about possible disasters in different regions


News of West Java has recently been filled with many natural disasters that have hit the country’s land. Almost all of West Java (West Week) is likely to experience floods, landslides and other disasters. Like the districts of Garut, Bogor, Bandung and Cimah. These four regions are highly endangered.

Not only those in rural areas near mountains and rivers, but urban areas also have the potential to experience it. The Executive Party of the Western Week Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) said disaster mapping has been prepared to village level.

However, earthquakes, tide floods as a result of rising sea water, as well as disasters due to extreme weather changes are unpredictable when they come. Therefore, all levels of society are encouraged to remain vigilant at all times. Because the public’s understanding and awareness to increase vigilance is a priority.

Floods, landslides and earthquakes that occurred in 2020 are valuable experiences so that the government and community do not lower the level of oversight. Especially in the midst of extreme weather changes that can happen at any time. In 2020, there were 1,387 landslides caused by the rain.

Natural disasters in West Java have the opportunity to cost lives, because many settlements are built on steep slopes and slopes. Not only valuable in one region, but different regions in West Java. Below is an explanation of the risk of natural disasters in some regions of West Java:

Risk of disasters in Garut Regency

West Java news reported that high rainfall levels across the country, particularly in the West Java region, increased the potential for slippage and flooding. Garut is one of the highest risk areas in West Java so needs special attention.

The area prone to landslides is generally central to the south. The central part of the north is more likely to be affected by flooding. Topographical conditions of many hilly mountainous areas make the Area of West Java, especially Gaut, vulnerable to land movements and rapid or tidal flow.

Rain pouring down the South Garut area on the north coast has prompted BPBD Garut to have spread an appeal to sub-districts regarding awareness of possible disasters. In the northern region, there is the threat of landslides and flash floods in Malangbong district as well as the southern Pakenjeng region of Banjarwangi. Talegong, as well as Cisewu.

West Java News continues to be aware of possible disasters and urges the public to report to the nearest government if it sees the potential for natural disasters nearby. Even the smallest potential should also be reported, because preventive measures are very important.

Disaster risk in bogor city

In addition to Garut, Bogor also has a high potential for disaster. Floods are more frequent in Bogor’s Puncak district. Some time ago, a flash flood occurred that caused the Rawa Dulang kampung to drown along with an avalanche of mud.

News in West Java showed that the possibility of floods and landslides is still very high in this region. Residents are expected to be able to determine the occurrence of disasters by paying attention to whether there are vibrations on the ground and hills, changes in strong waters from a well, cracked land surfaces, overflowing river water and other signs.

Heavy rainfall that continues to fall increases the possibility of floods and landslides so that warning posts can be placed by the local government along with the community. This post is always on a 24-hour wait. You can contact or call the nearest post office for or provide information.

Blog :

  1. psychoshare.com
  2. buzzfaze.com
  3. unity-team.com
  4. tenleytowndc.org
  5. trashonthemoon.com
  6. siaksatu.com
  7. virtualexpohonda.com
  8. kampungcempluk.com
  9. kinandroid.com
  10. form-antrique.com
  11. oasemuslim.com
  12. hubmaspemprovsulut.com
  13. tukangpohon.com
  14. kuki-style.com
  15. ayuutami.com
  16. bali-bisnis.com
  17. 123slide.org
  18. bendamustika.com
  19. soundofmusicjkt.com
  20. microsite-ads.com
  21. collinsmarketplace.com
  22. healthy-nature-now.com
  23. youbeautyglobal.com
  24. federalmobilcommunity.com
  25. kamarcewek.com


This disaster preparation post is located in Jalan Pangeran Sogiri, Jalan Layungsari, Jalan Kebon Pedes, Jalan Sudirman, and Riau Square. The officers are a combination of police officers, TNI/Polri, Tagana, Linmas and the local community. Not only does it provide news from West Java about disasters, but it also prepares disaster management tools.

It is estimated that the potential for becana will remain high in the Bogor area during the rainy season until the end of March. So that the public does not lower its vigilance and remains always aware of the possibility of floods and landslides. Especially those who live around rivers and hills.

Risk of disasters in the Big Band

In West Java news, the town of Bandung is said to be one of the areas with natural disastersand is involved in the scale  of national priorities in disaster reduction. This area with a population of 2.5 million is likely to experience flooding, as well as earthquakes caused by the presence of active volcanoes.

In addition, landslides, fires and spirits due to the continued construction of settlements make the risk even higher. Currently, not only the city centre, but hilly areas are also used as targets for building settlements, increasing the risk of natural disasters.

The Bandung city government itself has carried out various preventive steps, ranging from building disaster-prepared posts, increasing firefighter readiness and beginning to strengthen settlement building permits. In  West Java news,  especially for the Bandung city area, it is said that construction of evacuation routes is still very low.

Right now, the most important thing is to build evacuation routes in different buildings or tall buildings as a means of saving victims when something exciting happens. Urban communities in Bandung cannot rely solely on a SAR team so they must improve disaster mitigation and natural fires.

Disaster risk in Cimahi City

The city of Cimahi has not escaped the risk of earthquakes since 2010. Because this town in West Java is crossed directly with Nam Lembang. Earthquakes can happen at any time, because the distance of blame is so close.

In  West Java news,  it  was reported that the Interim Mayor of Cimahi, Ngatiyana, has informed that an earthquake is very possible and is difficult to predict. The public is required to remain vigilant at all times and prepare to avoid injuries during an earthquake.

The northern and southern regions of Cimahi have a high potential for disaster and it cannot be avoided. However, communities can help reduce the impact of disasters by engaging in education on earthquake treatment measures and training prepared workers in the community.

For the record, from 2010 to 2021 there were 14 earthquakes with a magnitude of 1.5 to 3.4 on the richest scale that shook the West Java region, especially Cimahi and Bandung. So far, the potential has not declined at all and even tends to increase, both in relation to frequent events and the level of strength.

Not only floods due to the active lembang fracture, Cimahi City also has the potential to experience floods, landslides, tornadoes and fires. In 2017-19 there were at least 67 floods, 39 landslides and 19 tornadoes that claimed lives.

In addition, fires occurred at least 105 times resulting in no material loss. Therefore, the disaster potential of the city of Cimahi is still considered very high and is one of the cities with the highest degree of disaster management in the country.


The geographical location and topography of West Java make the risk of disasters in the area very high. At a minimum, there are 14 districts at the highest risk. Garut, Bogor, Bandung, and Cimahare some of the cities with the highest potential. Always update  the news from West Week to avoid danger.